Branding has become one of the most important aspects of business strategy. Developing brand identity and strategy are critical steps in successful marketing. Developing a brand strategy requires an understanding of:
Before the internet, it was difficult for a disgruntled customer or former employee to air negative comments on a scale that would actually impact the bottom line. Outside of his or her circle of friends, it was highly unlikely any prospective customer or employee would hear such rants.
Such is not the case today. There is nowhere to hide bad service. The best defense is customer service that rocks! That said, no company has perfect employees. Occasionally, even great companies drop the ball. Those fumbles can end up in review sites, forums and other social media comments that appear alongside your name in search results. Scary to say the least; and it will only get worse (or better for great companies) as technology gets smarter.
At full tech-maturity, top search results will be positioned by a reliable, hard-to-fake, customer satisfaction index calculated from recommendations, ratings, and popularity (social media). Negative comments from disgruntled customers, whether true or malicious, will cost you future loans.
Preventative medicine is the prescription of choice, but our experts can help insure searchers will see positive news about you.
Online success comes down to relationships. It’s a popularity contest…really. People don’t buy from people they don’t like or don’t establish a comfortable level of trust. This is true online or offline. People are people, regardless of the channel.
Many star companies of the 20th century are failing and do not even know it yet. Whatever service attitude is true inside the company culture will come out through response personnel. Lost is the ability to spin for damage control.
Not only does social media attract new customers, customer service must be tied into social.
Great public relations gets your brand message heard, delivering expertly crafted stories to the right audience.
HUG will use its full arcenal of buzz-generating tool to tell your story most effectively: